FREE ROTATIONAL MOTION MACHINE                               

 WE CAN NOT SAY YES OR NO, but you can give it a Trial, let's conclude that before the end of this discussion, what you need to understand is that it cannot work else the magnetic field can be controlled like an electric motor, they are low of science and physics that said, "energy cannot be created or destroyed" and this is the low of conservation of energy. although there are many other lows out, some of them have been proven wrong, here are some of those lows.

 1, Flat earth hypothesis (not a scientific theory), Discovered by Eratosthenes around 200 BC. 

2, The geocentric theory of the solar system (not a scientific theory) was discovered by Nicolas Copernicus around 1500 AD. 

3, Classical elemental theory (that all elements are made of earth, air, water, and fire) was discovered by the discovery of subatomic particles and the modern element as we all know it today.

 4, Newton's corpuscular theory of light, this low was corrected in many ways - it was the modern concept of the photon - it was also supplanted by the dual wave-particle theory of light that explains all aspects of it I want to give credit for this one to Louis de Broglie 1929. 

5, Newton's law of motion, this law is still highly respected and ubiquitously by the theory of relativity by Albert Einstein in 1940. All these lows mentioned above were disproved by the now ages, in every generation they must be changed in lows, the higher we go the higher and stronger our science and technology become. producing power or an endless power supply can come into existence let keep those low aside and focus on what we need. Let's make our imagination to reality. 

Because looking at those low won't take our world beyond our imagination, the people that introduced those low mint made a mistake while conducting the experiment, just as now consultants and scientists improved and get a quality result, who knows what will happen in the future when another generation is formed or ceinture to come, all this low analysis is just to guide and give the world good way in other to achieve what they need from science and technology.

 In perpetual motion machines, there are a lot of scientists that tried to make it do instead it will run for some time and stop, some run for 0-15min, and some 0-30min and it will stop.
What is a perpetual motion machine; is any motion that can run to infinity without the help of an external force and can only stop if any external energy is applied.

                                                    PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINE
Using permanent magnets to make a perpetual motion machine deepened the control of the strength of the magnet field and the force of repair of the like pole and attraction of the unlike pole, this device can also be called a permanent magnetic motor. A permanent magnetic motor is a type of perpetual motion machine that uses a permanent magnet in the rotor and the stator to produce a rotational force without any external energy.

                                                A PERMANENT MAGNETIC MOTOR 

 LEAN MORE ABOUT MAGNET. I consulted my own experiment on a magnetic motor, and the result shows that the higher the magnetic strength the faster the spin or rotation, and a permanent magnetic motor can all work if the flux and magnetic field can be controlled.

                                                         DC ELECTRIC MOTOR
The diagram illustrated above is the working principle of an electric motor (DC motor), by using the electric motor working principle you can achieve a permanent magnetic motor in a short time, just as a DC electric motor works with the working principle of like pole repel each other while unlike pole attracted each other with the help of split ring and contact brush, which switch or interchange the pole of the motor in each direction or movement from the north pole to south pole and back again and it continues. HOW DO ELECTRIC MOTORS WORK. Using the working principle of the DC electric motor attitude you will make the permanent magnetic motor work perfectly, it only needs some mechanism on the rotor in other to make the permanent magnetic flux behave like temporal magnetic flux as an electric motor, with this, the permanent magnetic motor can move accurately with no interaction with another pole.
On the other hand, while doing the construction of the permanent magnetic motor, they are things or features of the motor.
1. Calculating 
2. Accurate
3. Magnet strength 
4. Tools
1. CALCULATING; by calculating you can consider what you need from the motor and how to get it, with calculating you will dita mean all possible lines you need, the angle, and where to cut an angle on a board, no matter how the magnet is strong you should use a flexible, very light and weightless object to construct the rotor, this will make the motor to move faster or rotate more.
ACCURATE; this is the act of data meaning all possible angles or lines that need to be in strength form by marking and making a successful accurate line and angle that will benefit the flux of the magnet, you know now that the flux of the magnet won't fluctuate or interacts with another pole or neighboring magnet if this part is done you know have a good rotation of your permanent magnetic motor.
MAGNETIC STRENGTH: a very strong permanent magnet will make the quality and the power of the motor speed up and increase in horsepower with torque and it will help the motor to care for the rated load.
TOOLS: This is the implement that you are going to use to achieve a good job, and data means the tools that you are going to use to do the work will be from the result of the calculation and also make your work look professional with perfect performance of the motor.
If consider all this mentioned above, then you are now good to go There are some factor that affects this permanent magnetic motor some fake videos of how to make a permanent magnetic motor, with those way the motor will not work, because of the arrangement of the permanent magnet in those video of bought the rotor and the stator, the flux of the magnet in those two difference side will interact with each other making the stator to quaich instead of moving and then the kinetic energy they is 0. The illustration above indicates that the north pole of the stator attracts the south pole of the rotor and repels the incoming north pole of the rotor, and the south pole of the stator attracts the north pole of the rotor and repels the neighboring south pole from the rotor which will tourn to know movement.
In other to improve the horsepower (HP)and the torque of a magnetic motor you can add a flywheel since it stores kinetic energy it will increase the torque of the motor. click here to LEARN HOW TO GENERATE ELECTRICITY WITH THE HELP OF A MOTOR AND FLYWHEEL

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